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Halloween Safety Driving Tips

You will know it is Halloween when you notice the streets are crawling with vampires, witches, ghosts, and other characters in their creepy costumes. In many residential areas, masked kids in their ghoulish costumes go from house to house for the Halloween goodies...

Major New Fuel Efficiency Standards On The Way From EPA

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the government body that sets standards for the fuel economy labels or window stickers of new cars and light trucks in the market. The fuel economy label is used as the basis of the Fuel Economy Guide issued annually by the...

Truck Drivers: Plan Your Cashflow Ahead of the Holiday Rush

The holiday season is always an anticipated one for the trucking industry. The holiday season is the time of the year when gift shopping peaks, which translates to the influx of packages that need to be shipped. That means double the work, the effort, and the manpower...

Pros and Cons: Is Truck Driving For You?

Recent studies have shown that there is a shortage of truck drivers. It is primarily due to the aging population of current drivers. According to the data, there will be a need for approximately 239,000 truck drivers by the year 2022. It is a huge number that is...

Things to Know About Truck-Only Cameras

There is a new system involving the use of truck-only cameras that has been up and running in Arizona highways. If you happen to drive by Arizona, you will notice cameras installed along the highway. These are not speed cameras. In fact, these cameras will not notice...