Transportation News
Sep 8, 2016
Freight factoring is a process used to easily manage the flow of cash in your trucking business. It is very important because how you manage your funds can make or break your business. Freight factoring allows you to get the money you are supposed to earn in advance... read more
Sep 1, 2016
NAFTA, or the National American Free Trade Agreement was created to provide a set of rules that will regulate the trades between Canada, Mexico, and the United States. The primary goal of NAFTA is to remove the barriers among these three nations regarding trade and... read more
Aug 23, 2016
One of the most important industries that contributes to the overall economy is shipping, transportation, and trucking. This industry is crucial because it is how businesses get their products to the market and into the hands of consumers. Want to get a piece of the... read more
Aug 16, 2016
Trucking businesses are currently experiencing a huge problem that has been happening in recent years. The problem is that new drivers are hard to find. The main result of this issue is that the trucking industry is now experiencing and feeling the effects of driver... read more
Aug 8, 2016
What is the Highway Bill all about? It was written into law on the 29th of June, 2012 by the Senate and was approved by President Obama on the 8th of July of the same year. The full name of the bill is called the Moving Ahead for Progress or MAP-21 act. MAP-21 is a... read more
Aug 1, 2016
The standards specified in 395.1 of the FMCSA were created to record the duty hours of drivers in an automatic system. The most important information to be recorded is the total time that they stay on the road driving. Law officers have free access to the information... read more
Jul 25, 2016
The two biggest contributors to the worsening work conditions of truck drivers are bad working conditions and low salaries. The long hours demanded of truck drivers are making most feel that their efforts are not valued. Many long-haulers are given fourteen working... read more
Jul 18, 2016
California’s consistent temperatures make it an ideal place to grow different produce all-year round. In fact, California can contribute about 80% of the vegetables and fruits requirements of the whole of US. The state can produce crops and other fruit bearing trees... read more
Jul 11, 2016
Business owners rely a lot on retention strategies that will allow their business to grow. Here are some user-submitted growth and retention strategies that business owners can apply to grow further. 1. Product embracement To figure out how you can remedy product... read more
Jul 5, 2016
The shipping and transportation industry is among the largest in the world but is rarely thought of by the general consumer. Perhaps customers rarely wonder how vast and complex the distribution and shipping of everything they own is. Yet, companies large and small... read more
Jun 23, 2016
There is a popular misconception that the Hours of Service policy that went into law in the 1st of July, 2013 was only made for carriers. The thing is that this rule is being felt by the productivity of these carriers and has definitely been a cause for concern to... read more
Jun 22, 2016
The Energy Information Administration (“EIA”) is tasked with the duty of monitoring and studying all of the data regarding the movement of fuel prices. They are also in charge of informing the public of their findings. It wasn’t but just a few years ago that fuel... read more
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