For a lot of drivers whose occupation requires them to be on the road, staying fit and healthy can be challenging. Nevertheless, is very important for truck drivers to work out and adopt a healthy lifestyle to lower the risk health complications or shortened life expectancy rates.
There are many reasons why the life expectancy of those in the truck drivers are shorter than other industries. Some studies suggest that as much as fifty percent of truck drivers are overweight. In addition to poor diet, shortened sleep, lack of regular exercise, smoking, and high blood pressure can contribute to shorter life spans.
With a little discipline, you can break the mold. Be healthy. Live long. Here are some tips from our transportation brokerage.
Exercise – There’s No Excuse
Exercise is good for you regardless of your job or profession. Something as simple as a 20-minute brisk walk can go a long way for your heart and your overall health. Avoid sitting for too long inside your truck, it can be fatal to your health.
If you can discipline yourself to commit to regularly attending a gym, there are several nationwide gyms to join. Or, be creative enough and no gym is necessary. See the video below. No excuses.
Get Ample Sleep
Adequate sleep is a necessity for a healthy lifestyle. Extended lack of sleep is associated with so many health complications.
- increased risk of heart disease
- high blood pressure
- stroke
- diabetes
Get between seven to nine hours of sleep regularly to avoid these health complications.
Stick To A Healthy Diet
To a lot of truck drivers, this may be the hardest thing to do. Living on the road means a lot of fast food or convenience store food. Meal prepping and planning your food can go a long way. When at the gas station, grab a banana or apple instead of a nine hour old burrito. Even a bag of wholesome nuts is better than greasy food.
Stop Smoking
Smoking increases your risk to heart diseases and can shorten your life span rapidly. Avoid smoking altogether and instead dehydrate and drink lots of water while on the road. Water is a universal solvent and will keep you hydrated while you drive on long-haul travels.
Monitor Your Blood Pressure
As much as 50% of the truck drivers worldwide are unaware that they have high blood pressure. Monitor your blood pressure and be sure to keep it low.
Life is short and precious. Make healthy lifestyle choices, and avoid becoming a part of the trucking industry’s fatal statistics.