Earth day has become not just a one-day event, but also an intriguing global phenomenon. As the month of April reaches its second half, people and businesses find different ways to acknowledge Mother Earth. Some turn off their lights, some minimize electricity usage in other ways, some reduce waste, etc. People nowadays are more-and-more interested in conserving Earth’s natural resources and being respectful to our future. The transportation industry should be no exception.
Where could the transportation industry “do their share?” Sometimes the best way to find solutions for your industry is to look at completely unrelated industries for inspiration. How do they celebrate Earth Day?
Here are three companies that have made outstanding efforts towards showing appreciation towards Mother Nature. Can our industry find inspiration?
For GE, Earth Day is a very important day for them. This has been a self-set deadline to launch their new hybrid Halogen-CFL bulbs into retail stores. These bulbs finally combine the speed of lighting up from Halogen with the energy efficiency of CFL. What a great way to contribute to energy efficiency by offering products that directly address the issues at hand.
One of today’s most famous music platforms, MTV, is reaching out to its audience to encourage more fans to become environmentalists. By teaming up with environmental conscious groups, networking online, and taking advantage of other social media platforms to spread the movement; MTV has made the effort towards benefiting the greater good by tapping into their audience. Sometimes the best thing that you can do is simply encourage others to participate, too.
The kingdom of Aveda focuses on producing plant-based body lotions, makeup, perfume, and hair care products that are also made via renewable energies during production. Products are also shipped with minimal packaging.
You might be surprised at the intensity of Aveda’s commitment in celebrating our Earth. Their interest in our Earth goes beyond their own product line. They have also set up several charities, projects, and fundraisers geared towards environmental protection.
Do something for Earth Day!
These three companies bring an interesting perspective to the table. So, what can we in the transportation industry do? Start small. Everything helps. Recycle paper in the office. Digitize invoices and slips instead of printing physical copies when you can, add wind deflectors to transportation vehicles for fuel conservation, etc.
Whatever it is that you or your company can do to lessen environmental impact and promote Earth Day awareness is to be applauded.