Arizona has installed new cameras on its highways. Mounted on poles at few sites, these devices are becoming visible on rural freeways – Canoa Ranch Rest Area on Interstate 19, the McGuireveille Rest Area on Interstate 17, and near the Sacaton Rest Area on Interstate 10.
These New Cameras, What Are They Up To?
“To monitor commercial trucks’ compliance with regulations and weight restrictions, not to catch speeders,” is what the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) states that the cameras are for. Opposite as to what motorists have speculated, the cameras are not for speeders, and that’s why they are being referred to as, “truck-only cameras.”
The system includes embedded sensors in the pavement that trucks will drive over to determine their compliance. In addition, it can automatically acquire information from the vehicle to check if the driver is with or without proper documentation. If something goes wrong, electronic signs will signal the truck to pull over for inspection.
ADOT spokesperson, Harold Sanders, commented, “It is impossible to stop every truck to do an inspection. It is just a waste of time.”
The main purpose of the truck-only cameras is to minimize unnecessary inspections and to avoid congestion at the inspection areas. Certainly, trucks that don’t have any issues will not be bothered (hopefully, not).
Advantages for Truckers:
Promotes safety for truck drivers
Fast tracks inspections
Prevents trucks from carrying excessive load
Quickens shipping process
Disadvantages for Truckers:
Potential weight capacity nuisance for freight companies
Potential slowdown of trucks
Threatening nature to some truck drivers
Some sources estimate the cost of the system as high as $7.5 million. This includes a whopping $4.5 million for the technology, as well as $3 million for installation. Although numerous drivers are becoming irritated with new highway add-ons, some are grateful for the new systems. What do you think?